SYSCOM uses Business Automation Workflow (BAW) to integrate information, process, and users, providing a comprehensive view of your work processes. This includes process management, case management, advanced analytics, and business rules to optimize your business results.

With guidance from SYSCOM’s experienced BAW consultants, your business can leverage the power of BAW to gain greater visibility and better manage your business workflows. You will be able to implement changes in a timelier manner, increasing efficiency, and process consistency.

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With Operational Decision Manager (ODM), SYSCOM can help your organization keep its application up-to-date, and keep them aligned as your business objective evolve. Operational decisions exist throughout every aspect of your organization, in many different forms. But what happens when business needs change? In today’s world, your organization needs to be able to adapt quickly, or you can be left behind. Operational decisions are often embedded in the code of your enterprise application. This makes them difficult to modify and implement in an efficient manner. When circumstances require agility and the need for immediate action, the subject matter experts of your business need the ability to quickly adjust how operational decisions are made.

SYSCOM decision modeling capabilities helps you make this happen. Our expertise with decision modeling will allow you to implement operational decisions in a form that can be used right away by your enterprise applications. By swapping ODM for the traditional code-based implementation, your business gains great control over the both the content and implementation of decision logic. Once in place, your business users can update and deploy new business policies in minutes, without the need for long, expensive development cycles.

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With Robotic Process Automation (RPA), SYSCOM can you help you automate routine business tasks quickly and cost effectively. When employees need to perform repetitive tasks throughout their work day, it keeps them from performing higher value tasks that are more important for your business. As a part of your overall strategic automation initiatives, SYSCOM can integrate RPA bots into your work environment that can perform these routine tasks. Use of RPA bots free employees to perform higher level work. By automating selective, repetitive tasks, your company become more productive. Bots can be used to scale up workloads without increased labor requirements. Employees can now work smarter, on more value added tasks. Productivity is increased, work product is more consistent, and errors are reduced.

Advantages to your business include reducing human error, increasing throughput and employee productivity, and providing more responsive customer service. Automating these tasks will free your employees to perform this higher value work.

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